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Subject to centrifugal forces, the denser solid particles are pressed outwards against a rotating bowl wall, while the less dense liquid phase forms a concentric inner layer in a decanter centrifuge. Different dam plates are used to vary the depth of the liquid – the so-called pond – as required. The sediment formed by the solid particles is continuously removed by the screw conveyor, which rotates at a different speed than the bowl. As a result, the solids are gradually “ploughed” out of the pond and up the conical “beach”.
The centrifugal force compacts the solids and expels the surplus liquid. The dried solids then discharge from the bowl. The clarified liquid phase or phases overflow the dam plates situated at the opposite end of the bowl. Baffles within the centrifuge casing direct the separated phases into the correct flow path and prevent any risk of cross-contamination.
The speed of the screw conveyor may be automatically adjusted by use of the variable frequency drive (VFD) in order to adjust to variation in the solids load.
How super centrifuge works

This sectional view of a Super-Centrifuge shows the application of centrifugal force to a mixture of two immiscible liquids containing some suspended solids.
The mixture continuously enters the Super-Centrifuge through an inlet feed nozzle at the base of the machine, into the hollow cylindrical rotor. Rotors have been designed and engineered to rotate at 17000 r.p.m. and generate centrifugal force of upto 20000 times the force of gravity.
This force separates the two liquids according to their specific gravities into concentric cylindrical layers, and the solids are deposited inside the rotating bowl against the rotor wall.
The separated liquids are continuously displaced upwards by the incoming mixture and continuously discharged through their respective outlet ports at the top of the rotor. The layer of accumulated solids that builds up on the inner diameter of the rotor wall is cleaned out batch-wise for which the super-centrifuge is shut down when it is filled up to the rotating bowl’s limiting solids holding capacity and the rotating bowl is removed for cleaning.

Sharples P5000 Centrifuge Manual Pdf

Sharples P5000 Centrifuge Manual Instructions
There are, however, many applications where only the removal of suspended solids from a single liquid is required. Super centrifuges for such applications are called Clarifiers and are often provided with only one set of discharge ports. Mylar Liners are optionally supplied and can be placed on the inner diameter of the bowl for ease of removal of insoluble solids deposited on the inner diameter of the bowl.