Ridgeway Grandfather Clocks By Serial Numberinstmank DOWNLOAD ridgeway grandfather clocks serial numberridgeway grandfather clock model number locationridgeway grandfather clock serial number lookup 0fea0b1dc0 Ridgeway Grandfather clock movements- features and chimes. Ridgeway Grandfather Clock Serial Number Lookup; Ridgeway Clocks By Serial Number; I am seeking some basic information about my Ridgeway Grandmother clock. I inherited it from my aunt and uncle who passed away in the 1980s. I received it in 1995 and it has kept excellent time ever since. It dutifully chimes on the quarter hour (15/30/45/hour).
Ridgeway Grandfather Clock Serial Number Lookup Free
Ridgeway clocks also have an innovative synchronous feature that avoids the need to wind the clock every seven days. The clocks are well made and many become family heirlooms. Gta vice city apk data free download for android. The company emphasises that clocks are built by American clockmasters using traditional methods passed along from one generation to the next.
Ridgeway Clock Serial Number Search
Welcome to the board. Not quite sure what you mean by the clock is 'registered'. Registered with whom? You say it is a Ridgeway clock; there are folks on here who have some catalogs etc.
Which might have the name of model (guessing that is what you want?). It looks to be a modern clock so perhaps the 91 (beginning of the number) might indicate the year of manufacture.
Serial Number Lookup Specs

But that is just my supposition. To know who made the movement we would need photos of the back of the movement. In answer to your second question, I am sorry but we are not allowed to discuss values on this part of the board. Re: Ridgeway Grandfather Clock need help identifying I recently acquired a nearly identical Rdigeway clock.
Ridgeway Grandfather Clock Value Guide
My research indicated that the first two numbers of the ID are the year of manufacturing. Yours would be 1991. Google search revealed some very interesting history of the Pulaski Furniture Co. -> Ridgeway -> Howard Miller. Inside the hood of my clock were additional tags, one of which indicated the model number. (Finding an name to go with this is far more challenging) My movement was marked Ridgeway but serial number information on the lower right indicated that it was likely manufactured by Herschede and replacement movements are available online.
(Black Forest Imports if memory serves) A quick search on Craig's list can give you a pretty good idea of what a used 1990's grandfather clock may sell for in your area. I consider mine a great bargain for a nice piece of furniture that also makes such pleasing noises. I recently acquired a nearly identical Rdigeway clock. My research indicated that the first two numbers of the ID are the year of manufacturing. Yours would be 1991. Google search revealed some very interesting history of the Pulaski Furniture Co.
Howard Miller Serial Number Search
-> Ridgeway -> Howard Miller. Inside the hood of my clock were additional tags, one of which indicated the model number. (Finding an name to go with this is far more challenging) My movement was marked Ridgeway but serial number information on the lower right indicated that it was likely manufactured by Herschede and replacement movements are available online.