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Name: Pokemon Nightmare Moon
Remake by: Darklink1010 – The Pokemon Nightmare Project team
Remake from: Pokemon Ultra Moon
Discord link:
In this game, We can have a lot of things are random with: Level-up Moves, Wild Encounters, Egg Moves, Trainers and Abilities… The best feature in this game, yeah you know it’s New Music, yeah it’s so so great and I love it. Some songs are from Kanto and more and more… And with more Dark Pokemon… But So harder to catch Zygarde, and we have a new Pokeball is Shadow Ball. More and More.
Things that are Randomized:
Level-Up Moves(60% Of It Is STAB Moves)
Wild Encounters
Egg moves
Trainers have randomized teams, except for important trainers, like Hau, the kahuna’s, the Elite Four, Plumeria, Title Defense Battles, etc. These important trainers will have hand crafted teams.
Abilities will be randomized to an extent. For important pokemon in the game, like starters, customs, legendaries, etc. will be customized and not randomized.
Important trainers will have beneficial nature’s and stats
It is planned that we have title defense challengers as Poketubers with their 6 favorite Pokemon, for example TKN(thekingnappy) will have his Gengar, shady penguin with his pokemon, and Nexus with his Magcargo, teams more or less like that, we are for sure going to have TKN as a title defense challenger, not sure about the other two.
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This game will have an original story, and it will not be the kind of story you are used to seeing in pokemon. It will be a dark, unsettling kind of story.
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This game will have custom music, all of which is remixed music from previous installments in the Pokemon franchise, and a couple will be from other video games, song credits are included with every .rar file we will post, so that we make sure that any song that we use, has credits to the original creator of the individual song, along with which songs replace which tracks in the game. There are over 100 new songs in total to replace all of the old ones. So all you music lovers out there are going to be able to listen to music that will please your ears every step of the way.
Pokemon Randomizer Game Rom
We are also adding custom clothing and the like, so we will be having all of the previous generations enemy team outfits. Example: Rocket outfit, Magma outfit, Aqua Outfit, Plasma outfit, etc.
Note: All legendaries will have new textures and some will even have new typings. We even have a whole slew of new Alolan forms and various shadow pokemon. You will be able to catch every legendary in the game, without having to need the other version of the game. It’s really just a preference of which version you like more.

Zygarde will be much harder to catch. I’m not kidding, good luck catching him.
We have a new Pokeball, named the Shadow Ball, for catching shadow mons in. It is re textured over the Beast ball. So if you want an extra challenge, catch all of the new Shadow mons in the Shadow balls. And yes, they act the same way that the normal beasts balls do. So shadow beasts will be easier to catch, and all other pokemon, it will just act like a normal Pokeball.
Note for Citra Version: You will get over 8GB when you completely extract Citra Version. Save everywhere to back up! Remember!
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